Other Resources
Even if you aren't yet ready to sit down with a financial advisor, I strongly encourage you to start exploring your financial options on your own. There are numerous resources out there to support women in their quest for financial independence. Here are just a few to get you started.
(NOTE: None of the resources listed below are in any way affiliated in any with Anita J Patel or Cambridge Investment Research.)
- Prince Charming Isn't Coming: How Women Get Smart About Money by Barbara Stanny
Do you shut down at the thought of reviewing your 401K statement? Then this might be a good read for you. It is less focussed on the investment specifics, and more on the techniques for overcoming your fears and getting out of your financial rut. - Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach
If you've already decided that there is no hope for your financial future, then this book has some simple steps to help get you started on a new path.
- WISER WOMEN www.wiserwomen.org (Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement)
- Women and Money www.wife.org (Women's Institute for Financial Education)
- Loring Ward - The Best Time to Invest (video)
- Allianz - The ABCs of Annuities (videos)
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